Well, thankfully (and we are very thankful!), things are going along in a very stable manner.
Adam visited the clinic again today for his IV treatment to protect against CMV infection. CMV stands for Cyto-Megalo-Virus, which is an extremely common virus that most of us are infected with, but that our bodies then ensure (mostly) never bothers us again, even though it doesn't actually leave our body (like chicken pox and herpes never leave either). CMV is normally not an issue, unless you have your immune system eradicated and are given a new immune system that is too immature to cope with the virus, especially if it decides to come out and have a party..... as is the case for Adam (hopefully without the party bit!). So to keep this party at bay Adam has 3 IV treatments per week and one IV immunoglobulin treatment per week.
They did not need to check any other blood components today as these were all looking good on Wednesday and his graft vs host rash looked stable.So that's the technical bit dealt with..... what else have we been up to?
Well yesterday we had a lovely day. A nice sleep in to start with, followed by a relatively short but enjoyable trip to the zoo and then a slow walk around Manly and dinner in a very outside, relatively unpopulated, dining area.
The zoo was great and it was lovely to see the new elephants. We saw the baby, unfortunately not really close up, but we got a great show from the two other young elephants as they were having great fun together. Reminded me of the puppies at the dog park actually!
Today, after clinic, later in the afternoon, Adam announced that he wanted to go to the beach. So we covered him from tip to toe with clothes,hat and sunscreen (even though it was late in afternoon, need to be careful) and managed to find a quiet spot at the end of the beach. Quite an achievement at Coogee beach in January (as you can see below)!He had a lovely time, watching the surf and directing the sandcastle building (you can imagine can't you?). We finished off with an icecream on the way home, from the lovely lady on the corner who now knows us all by name!!!
Love the McAllisters who appreciate your continued prayers for stability.
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