He had quite a bit of pain in his legs yesterday, from one of the drugs he is on and his body has been struggling with fluid retention and electrolyte loss. All apparently very normal for his type of treatment. All this management sounds simple but with replacement of platelets and red blood cells on top of all the other medicines requires more pumps/syringe drivers etc ......so we have graduated to an even bigger pump holder, apparently it is called the flight deck!!
Adam was hungry again today, and ate quite a bit, which was really nice to see.
We thought you may also like to see the rest of the care team on 24/7 duty in Adams room ;Softy (the bear - a veteran carer) very good for raising sore legs; Pup (the big dog, a new edition) is very soft and comforting when you are feeling down, he has proven to be a really good head rest too; Rascal (little dog) when only a small friend will do. Along with our special quilt to remind us of how much our church family loves us and his soft star blanket to cuddle up to (because it is washable - thank goodness) to remind him of home.

Adam also got a special early Chritmas gift today and was very excited about it, excited enough to get out of bed. Thanks Auntie Carolyn, Uncle Paul, Christopher and Stephanie.
Hoping for another good day tomorrow.
A quick pan of the room. We put up some lights for Christmas etc.
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