Thursday, December 16, 2010

Slowly +6

Well everyday seems to bring something! But todays little drama has turned out to be a bit of a bonus. Lets see if you can guess. What is missing from the picture below, compared to yesterday's photo ????

Did you guess??? Adam accidently pulled his naso-gastric tube out in his sleep last night. He was quite upset about it this morning. We do not know quite how he did it, because it was taped to his face and he hates tape coming off!!! But he managed to pull it all off and completely out his nose without waking up! Maybe we should do all his dressing changes while he is asleep!

Anyway his misery turned into joy when the dietitian and doctors said he did not need a new nasogastric tube. He has been quite bright for the rest of the day and managed to eat a little bit too. They were not managing to get a lot down the tube anyway and have started nutrition straight into his central line instead (TPN). They will keep the tube out unless he really struggles getting enough TPN and isn't eating anything at all.

His temperature has been a bit variable today, was up a bit this am and good through the day, but is way up again tonight. We are not sure what that is all about, could be another bug (hope not) or may be a reaction to the various medicines he is on. We will see what the doctors say in the morning and how his temp goes overnight.

Thanks again for all your love and prayers.

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